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This is Why We Love Oreos

I need to be honest for a second. I didn’t even take a look at the spec sheet before I made the decision that this was going to be the Friday Feature this week. From the first picture alone, this Oreo Blizzard Gaming PC Prebuilt stood out amongst the

This is Why We Love Oreos

I need to be honest for a second. I didn’t even take a look at the spec sheet before I made the decision that this was going to be the Friday Feature this week. From the first picture alone, this Oreo Blizzard Gaming PC Prebuilt stood out amongst the pack and thankfully the spec list checked out enough for us to do a deep dive. You need to see this beauty.

Favorite Features

  • Oreo - This is no joke. The Oreo design on this PC is absolutely gorgeous and it’s one of the best looking gaming PCs that I’ve ever seen. The combination of the custom painted GPU, the Lian Li Uni Fans, and of course the Hyte Y60 just look amazing together and Commenter’s PC went all out. It’s stunning.
  • AIO/Fans - We don’t see this too often, but the pairing of the Uni Fans on top of the (already expensive) NZXT Kraken radiator looks amazing. What’s wild to me is the fact of how expensive that AIO is by itself, but then the seller also decided it needed better fans to match the rest of the build. This is a very expensive combination just to cool the Ryzen 7 5800X, but it looks great and turned out amazing.
  • 1440p Performance - Along with the aesthetics, this build is properly tuned for 1440p gaming and it’ll be able to crush any game in that resolution to include the new titles like Starfield, Cyberpunk 2077, and Assassin’s Creed Mirage. The RTX 4070 is a beastly graphics card and whoever buys this PC definitely needs to be using at 1440p and higher refresh rate monitor to properly take advantage of it.

Price to Performance Value

Somehow this build is still very competitive in terms of price to performance which honestly has me questioning if the seller is making a profit on this one at all. At $1774 it’s priced right with the lower priced RTX 4070 builds on Jawa, and this one is easily the best looking pick of them all. And please, don’t even get me started on the price or aesthetics of some of the RTX 4070 prebuilts from the bigger manufacturers, it’s a blood bath.

First Upgrades

There’s nothing that really needs done inside this build currently and it’ll certainly last for years to come in 1440p gaming. At $1700+ it’s a bit unusual to see DDR4 RAM though, and that will only get more weird over time. The downside is that you’ll need to do a full CPU/Motherboard/RAM swap to eventually get to DDR5, but that doesn’t need to happen right away. (Please remember to sell your old parts on Jawa to offset the cost of your new upgrades)


Commenter’s PC released a banger here and I don’t anticipate that this will last much longer. It’s priced well for the performance that you’re getting, and the aesthetics are Tier S to say the least. This seller has put out some seriously nice looking builds over the last year, but this one is definitely my favorite. This is an easy pickup if you’re looking for a gaming PC prebuilt around this price range.

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zachstechturf profile image zachstechturf