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The JaysPCVault Has More Goodies

Score unmatched value with JaysPCVault's Ryzen 5 5600X and RTX 3060Ti gaming PC! Priced under $1000, it defies the norm.

The JaysPCVault Has More Goodies

I recently featured one of JaysPCVault’s gaming PCs and we’re back at it again with some serious value. Here we are looking at a Ryzen 5 5600X and RTX 3060Ti build that doesn’t cost the “normal” price of $1250+, but it’s actually sneaking in just under $1000 which you love to see. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in the vault this time.

Favorite Features

  • RTX 3060Ti Pricing – We’ll talk about the entire build price to performance in just a second, but when you strictly look at the GPU this is pretty unreal. Gaming PCs with an RTX 3060Ti have no business being under $1000, especially when they look this good. We’ll naturally start to see more of this pricing over the next few months with upcoming GPU launches, but for right now this is very solid value if you want a Team Green build.
  • Design – No surprise here, but obviously I’m a fan of the aesthetics and part selection on this one. The Montech Air 100 is an excellent mid range case with the preinstalled RGB fans, and the upHere cable extensions and ID Cooling CPU Cooler match up perfectly with the color scheme. I’m also eyeing up the attention to detail with how meticulous the cable combs are placed and I love the passion and craftsmanship on this one.
  • Built in WiFi/Bluetooth – A lot of new PC gamers still don’t understand the concept that WiFi and Bluetooth are “features” when it comes to desktop motherboards. Unlike laptops, phones, and tablets, not all desktop PCs come with these features included so it’s nice to se when they do. Of course this can always be alleviated with a USB dongle, but having WiFi and Bluetooth built right into the motherboard is great.

Price to Performance Value

Just like I mentioned, the GPU value alone on this one is great. There’s only 2 other RTX 3060Ti builds on the platform for this price right now and they don’t come anywhere close to the aesthetics or value that this one from JaysPCVault has. Also, good luck finding any RTX 3060Ti build from a big manufacturer for anywhere close to this price range, not going to happen!

First Upgrades

This PC is dialed in and very well balanced. With the 1TB of NVMe storage, Ryzen 5 5600X, and RTX 3060Ti you could easily enjoy this build for years to come without doing anything other then dusting it out every few months. (Please don’t forget to do that) If the buyer ever gets in the mood to tinker and upgrade though, 32GB of RAM would be my first upgrade and then I would follow that up with a GPU upgrade to push further into 1440p gaming. The 5600X will certainly pair just fine with an upgrade, but the Gigabyte P650B will not. Make sure to upgrade that alongside a GPU upgrade if that’s the route you take.


When I first featured JaysPCVault just 4 short weeks ago they were just getting started on the platform, and now they’re up to a pretty sizeable inventory with 11 sold products/builds so far and a 100% seller’s rating. The style of their builds aligns perfectly with what I typically like to feature on this newsletter, so expect to see more of their builds in the future.

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zachstechturf profile image zachstechturf