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Behemoth Computers Just Dropped a Behemoth Prebuilt Deal

We have yet another new seller in our galaxy called Behemoth Computers and their latest drop is definitely worth taking a look at. This Ryzen 5 5500 and RX 5700XT gaming PC called Neutron is packing some serious value if you’re interested in 1080p Ultra gaming. This CPU and

Behemoth Computers Just Dropped a Behemoth Prebuilt Deal

We have yet another new seller in our galaxy called Behemoth Computers and their latest drop is definitely worth taking a look at. This Ryzen 5 5500 and RX 5700XT gaming PC called Neutron is packing some serious value if you’re interested in 1080p Ultra gaming. This CPU and GPU combination is one of my favorite plays right now, and there’s a lot of other good stuff in here as well.

Favorite Features

  • Performance - The Ryzen 5 5500 and RX 5700XT combination is simply one of the best METAs if you’re a PC gamer that’s after raw price to performance. If you don’t already know, the RX 5700XT competes directly with Nvidia’s RTX 3060, and it even wins in a lot of titles. This type of budget gaming PC prebuilt can play any game in 1080p, and mostly using high/ultra settings. (Other than Starfield of course)
  • Upgradeability - I’ll explain below exactly what I would upgrade first, but one of the key selling points of the Neutron is how wide open the upgrade path is.
  • Behemoth Computers - I’ve never taken a look at this seller before today, but I’m liking what I’m seeing. They’ve posted a few builds since early last year, and all of them have successfully sold which is great news. It seems that this seller is concentrating on pure performance, aesthetics, and affordable builds, which I know will appeal to a lot of you. Hopefully we’ll see more builds like this from them this year!

Price to Performance Value

The value here is amazing for a prebuilt gaming PC. You’re getting Ryzen 5 and RTX 3060 level of performance for $800. The entire PC’s aesthetics are also way more dialed in compared to most prebuilt manufacturers, and you have room to upgrade in the future as well. This is a value focused prebuilt for sure.

First Upgrades

I don’t recommend this move often, but for this build I would actually recommend getting a new motherboard first, it’s really holding the system back. With a new motherboard (like a B550), you’ll gain 2 additional RAM slots, more M.2 NVMe slots, and better overclocking support. This one purchase will unlock the ability to stretch out the upgrade path of the build, so I would do that first. Afterwards, I would first grab a 2nd NVMe drive because 500GB won’t last long, and then I would upgrade to 32GB of RAM. Once all that’s complete, feel free to upgrade the performance parts like the CPU and GPU, but just note the PSU will need upgraded alongside a GPU upgrade.


I love when I see new sellers on our platform concentrating on the right things, performance value and aesthetics, so Behemoth Computers is definitely fitting the bill. I have a feeling this build will be sold pretty quickly, so make sure you drop a follow on their seller’s page so you don’t miss the next one!

🚨 Reminder! We have a gaming PC giveaway happening right now! One of our top sellers, PC Lab LLC, is giving away a 1440p build with a Ryzen 5 7600 and RTX 4070! Details are right here.

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zachstechturf profile image zachstechturf