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A Stealthy System

Looking to level up your gaming experience? Check out our latest High End Intel Gaming PC, expertly built by ZTT's top-tier builder, Sakido. Upgrade your setup with unmatched performance and RGB flair. Buy now on!

A Stealthy System

Now this may seem like an unfair advantage to some, but today’s High End Intel Gaming PC was built by a ZTT employee and he definitely knows how I like my PC builds at this point. Sakido was already a top tier builder before I hired him, but over the last year his skills have been sharpened even further and he definitely delivered in this build here.

Favorite Features

  • Stealth Mode – Literally one of the same features as last week, I absolutely love the “stealthed” out and all black design to this one. The case, CPU cooler, graphics card, and of course the cable extensions all match up picture perfectly and this will appeal to anyone looking for a non-RGB build.
  • Ultra Clean – For another aesthetic feature, not only is the color scheme on point but the cleanliness and presentation of the build as well. The NZXT N7 Z490 motherboard is always the cleanest option to go with, especially for a single color build like this, and that cable management in the front is Tier S.
  • CPU and GPU Value – Just like last week, you don’t have to worry about this GPU getting replaced anytime soon, even with the recent launch of Nvidia RTX 4000 series GPUs. They’ve only announced the top tier options so cards like the 3060Ti probably won’t get replaced until next year. I also love the combination with the super valuable Intel i7 10700K as that chip is still a monster for gaming and even productivity with its 8 cores and 16 threads that Turbo up to 5.1GHz right out of the box.

Price to Performance Value

Despite the recent price drops from the famous Starforge Systems, they still aren’t competing in terms of price and especially not aesthetics compared to our build today. If you search on Amazon for “RTX 3060Ti Gaming PC” the first option is from SkytechBlazethat’s that’s around $100 more, and the next option from Skytech Shadow would be an awful purchase at $1600. (And that one only includes a Ryzen 5 3600!)

First Upgrades

A system like this is already in a really good position, as most of the features are in this newsletter, but if you’re buying a $1275 gaming PC then chances are you’ll want 32GB of RAM. It will be a bit more expensive if you want to pair with the super fast Corsair Vengeance LPX 4000MHz sticks that Sakido already has installed in there. And if you want more storage then there’s another option for a bigger (or faster) NVMe drive so you don’t waste the 1TB MP33 that’s already in there.


Sakido’s build definitely ticks all my boxes and this is another easy pick if you’re hunting for all black build. Next week I’ll be sure to switch it up with something a bit more on the colorful side!

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