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Unveiling the All-White Custom PC Build

Upgrade your gaming setup with Kitsune PCs' all-white Ryzen 5 5600 & RTX 3070 build. Aesthetic meets performance in this build.

Unveiling the All-White Custom PC Build

Today we’re checking out a gorgeous all-white build from Kitsune PCs and this is simply one of the best mid-ranged builds available on Jawa right now. It’s rocking a Ryzen 5 5600 and an RTX 3070, along with a beautiful aesthetic, and will look stunning in someone’s next gaming setup.

Favorite Features

  • Performance Combo - The Ryzen 5 5600 and RTX 3070 remains a dominate price to performance combo here in 2023, especially with the prices continuously declining in both categories. This CPU and GPU will take full advantage for a 1440p and high refresh rate monitor, and it’ll provide a silky smooth gaming experience for years to come.
  • Custom Painted GPU - The GPU here is kind of hard to tell, but it’s a PNY XLR8 Gaming REVEL EPIC-X RGB but more important than that is the custom spray painted job. Kitsune PCs did an amazing job matching this GPU with the rest of the white aesthetic inside the build and it really ties everything together perfectly. It’s also a a really good model for spray painting, because the design has some well placed vents and a super clean backplate.
  • Aesthetics - Per usual, the aesthetics of the entire build are also what entices me with this build. Absolutely everything matches perfectly with each other, to include the white cable extensions, white RAM, the white case/fans, and even the spray painted stock Ryzen cooler. It looks amazing, and will pair really well with some white peripherals for the ultimate Battlestation.

Price to Performance Value

For me personally, it has enough price to performance value to warrant the purchase, but if you don’t care at all about the aesthetics then you’ll probably want to look elsewhere. A build like this is clearly priced a tad bit higher because of all the extra work (and money) that went into the aesthetics, and I think that’s perfectly fine. We do have several RTX 3070 prebuilt options under $1000 on the Jawa platform these days, but obviously none of them will compete with this one in the Aesthetics Department.

First Upgrades

Because the model name isn’t listed, I’d first recommend upgrading the power supply to not only keep things safe, but to also give you room for future upgrades as well. I’m not a huge fan of just a 500W power supply paired with a 3070 to begin with, but when they don’t list the model name it gets a bit more risky. (Chances are high that it’s a unit that’s not worth naming out on the posting) I’m sure the seller has fully stress tested the build and it’s good to go, but it’s probably the weak point in the build so I’d upgrade that first. Afterwards, feel free to upgrade to 32GB by adding another kit of RAM in there.


For a mid-ranged build that features both price to performance as well as aesthetics, this is a top tier choice. I love seeing all the extra work with the spray painting that this seller did, and I encourage more seller’s to give it a shot. For less than $5 for the can of paint, you can really dial in the design of your gaming PCs and it’s not terribly difficult to pull off. Great build Kitsune PCs, I’m looking forward to seeing your next designs!

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